Monday, October 01, 2007

The Sin of Blogging

Blog is the root of all evil.

That is what lot's of people talking about blog nowadays. My opinion is that they just freaking stupid or do not know about blogging.

Blog talk bad about people, cheat people's money, brainwashed all of the teenagers nowadays, post uncencored pictures that corrupt teenagers, fighting with other bloggers and let whole world see (I enjoy this, don't u?).

Some anti blogging also said that blog is the most stupid tools ever invented in today' world. Oh my good... I think they are stupid not the blog. Or should I say they are not yet exposed to blog. By the way you will be surprised to see that many people do not have many knowledge about what internet can do. What they know is just to check email and chat. What a waste of time. I mean it is alright to use internet to chat, it could save lots of money though.

But don't they ever think how to utilise this internet to become the an extra source of their income? Yes.. use internet to earn money. And the best, simplest and easiest tool to use is of course BLOG.

Go and search in google on how to blog for money or how to use blog to make money. I can give some examples: one way is through adsense, promoting affiliate product. By using just this method you can replace your daily job.

However not many people believe that... some traditional people still say that it's not healthy to earn money without seeing customers face to face. Duh... I don't what to say anymore. I will find a way to open their mind to new source of income called blog.

If you have any comments please share with me too ok. Thanks for reading.